OCIA Nebraska Board of Directors Meeting
Date and Location
Monday, August 14, 2023, 6 pm
Neligh Public Library, 710 Main Street, Neligh, NE 68756
Opening Remarks
Simeon Mosel called the meeting to order at 6:10 pm. Roll call confirmed all board directors were present. Minutes from the March 20th teleconference meeting were read, approved by Randy Reinke, and seconded by Travis Wingate. All were in favor.
Treasurer’s Report
Reported by Travis Wingate
Checking account balance on June 1: $72,914.68
6-month CD purchased from Furstenau Financial: $50,005.00
Funds in JP Morgan Money Market as of August 14: 5.02% interest rate
June expenses: $1733.05
End of June balance: $24,350.83
July ending balance: $26,992.78
Motion to Approve: Rick Schuchardt motioned, Genny Mosel seconded, and all approved.
Administrator’s Report
Reported by Kim Mosel
Non-renewals: Mike Williams and Dakota Best
New sponsorships: Sunrise Foods International & Scoular Grains
Membership: 4 new organic operators, total 70 members in OCIA Nebraska
Motion to Approve: Travis Wingate motioned, Randy Reinke seconded, and all approved.
Old Business
Husker Harvest Days booth confirmed for September 12-14.
Volunteers for the booth were listed.
Event on August 18 hosted by Grain Place Foods for transitional farmers.
TOPP conference in Lincoln coinciding with OCIA annual meeting.
New Initiatives
Advertising opportunities explored: Farm Bureau Newspaper, radio, TV, and billboards.
Farmer of the Year award discussed.
New Business
Kim Mosel’s contract renewal and wage increase.
Newsletter draft reviewed and approved for distribution.
Technology Update
Rick Schuchardt demonstrated new audio/visual equipment, including details on setup and storage.
Meeting Adjournment
Travis Wingate motioned to adjourn, seconded by Genny Mosel. All were in favor.
Next Meeting:
Tuesday, November 14, 2023, 6 pm
Antelope County Museum, Neligh, Nebraska
Respectfully submitted,
Karen Ostry, Secretary