Simeon Mosel called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
Roll Call: Simeon Mosel-President, Rick Schuchardt-Vice-President, Travis Wingate-Treasurer, Karen Ostry-Secretary, Dustin Blair & Kim Mosel. Guest: Randy Mosel. Absent: Genny Mosel, Ryan Volk, & Heather Lurz.
Secretary Report: The minutes of the November 14, 2023 BOD in person meeting was sent to all members. A motion was made by Travis and seconded by Rick. All approved.
The minutes of December 6, 2023 BOD special meeting was emailed to all members. A motion was made by Travis and seconded by Rick and all approved.
Treasurer Report: January of 2024 started a balance of $17,818.74. January and February had membership deposits of $5025.00. In addition to a TOPPS Grant award of $2794.00 totaling of $7819.00 as of March 8, 2024.
Expenses totaled $1111.87 for the period of January 1, 2024 to March 8, 2024. Leaving an increase of $6707.13.
The balance as of March 8, 2024 is $24,525.87
Year over year change as of end of February 2023 to March 8, 2024 was18,491.51. Factors of major differences in year over year balances are still being felt by the funds that came from the other organic chapter.
Furstenau Financial money market account started 2024 was a balance of $51,236.53. As of March 8, 2024 the balance increased by $1664.23 making a balance of 52,900.76 for an increase of about 3.2 percent.
A motion was made by Rick and seconded by Dustin and it was approved by all.
Revised 3-15-2024. There was some concern expressed over the year checking account balance change of $18,491.51. It was requested that I look at that, and explain it.
In September of 2022 we received the influx of funds from the organic club in western Nebraska, totaling $60,310.81. As of February 2023, those funds were still in the bank account, with a balance of $70,362.29. On June, 2023, $50,005.00 was invested into a money market account with Furstenau Financial. That is where the account difference comes from. As stated above. Since those funds were re-invested, ending monthly balances have been consistent around the $20,000.00 mark. The year ending balance was $17,818.74. If you add. Ack the income from the first 2 months, $7819.00, then take away expenses, $1,111.87, you get our current balance of $24,525.87.
If I remove all funds that came from the organic chapter, February 2023 ended with a balance of $8051.48. Then if I remove the funds from our current account balance again, I get a balance of $12,220.06. Leaving a year over year increase of $4168.58.
If more clarification is desired, feel free to contact me and I will do my best to explain further. Kim has been using Quicken and can output reports and activities.
Regards, Travis Wingate.
Program Administrator announced that there were 66 farms that filed as organic, 3 farms dropped out because of financial problems, low productions and poor sales. There are 4 prospective farms. Kim sent our non-profit status to the IRS. We have 2 farm tours planned in August this year. Kim had 250 field history and bin inventory sheets printed by One Office Solution in O’Neil, Nebraska.
Annual Meeting Comments: It was a good meeting at the AgExpo in Lincoln with 6 speakers giving us good visibility. It was too big a day, but unique to have a Federal Agency at the meeting with the TOPP Program. The OCIA Nebraska business meeting was too late in the afternoon.
International AGMM Report
2024 OCIA AGMM Notes: Rick Schuchardt represented the chapter at this year’s OCIA International’s Annual Meeting held in Council Bluffs on February 8. 2024. The major topics of this year’s meeting was the annual budget, USDA’s Transition to Organic Program (TOPP), there were computer server issues as it had to be replaced this year, the new Strengthening Organic Enforcement (SOE), updated several sections of the by-laws for large producers, processors, and handlers.
OCIA’s operations budget has a surplus and has been separated from the TOPP funding and funds are not comingled. There was some discussion of regional TOPP partners and contracts as OCIA International is the lead for administration of USDA’s TOPP program for the Plains region. Discussion of the SOE is going to be harder to implement for some certifiers and producers will have some changes to deal with.
For additional details, please refer to the minutes, as they will be posted on the OCIA website as they are finalized. The next annual meeting is tentatively scheduled for February 12, 2025, and is planned be held at the OCIA International Headquarters in Lincoln, NE.
NSAS Conference
Kim Mosel attended January 26-27th NSAS Conference in Columbus, NE. There was about 200 people at the conference and several stopped at the OCIA Nebraska booth that was manned by Kim. Regenerative people don’t like the organic movement. Kim had 16 hours of labor for the two days which totaled $300.
TOPP Plains Funds received by program for Husker Harvest Days and AgExpo was $5500.00 and Rick, Randy and Larry are looking into making a video to put up on the internet could cost $15,000. The video would help to show new farmers how to make the transition from conventional farming to organic farming. It is possible that we could receive $30,000 from TOPP this year. Rick will be turning in a plan to TOPP on how it would be spent.
Farm Videoing
Randy Mosel, Larry Stanislav, Rick Schuchardt and Kim Mosel are working with someone for price and time on video in Neligh, NE. The film should be organic certifier neutral.
OCIA Nebraska Annual Farm Tours
Ethan and Randy Mosel are planning a farm tour near Neligh, NE on August 10, 2024 showcasing alfalfa field, center pivot, storage of alfalfa and plow down.
Tom Knopik will have one on August 17, 2024 near Fullerton, NE.
We need press releases on tours 3 months before event and notifications in the NSAS and OCIA members on the tours.
Annual Meeting Plans
Rick was looking at Wahoo facility that can house 120 people with a kitchen. An annual meeting would take place at 10:00 am followed by lunch and speakers in the afternoon. A motion was made by Travis to move the date of meeting to Saturday, January 4, 2025 at Wahoo, NE and seconded by Dustin. All approved and motion was carried.
2024 Event dates:
Nebraska Sustainable Agricultural Society Conference: January 26-27 (Columbus)
UNL Soil Health Conferences: February 29 and March 5 (West Point and Hastings)
Husker Harvest Days: September 10-12 (Grand Island)
Gateway Farm Expo: November 20-21 (Kearney)
Ag Expo: December 10-12 (Lincoln)
OCIA Nebraska Annual Meeting: January 4, 2025 (Wahoo)
Motion made by Karen and seconded by Travis to pay Rick for his mileage and work at Hastings, NE for the conference. All approved.
Membership Invoice Late Fee: Kim says there were 10 invoices outstanding as of this meeting. Rick made a motion to charge them a late fee of $10.00 per month. Travis seconded it and all approve.
Newsletter needs new board member profiles and a publishing date.
Create a trifold brochure for OCIA Nebraska at the various booths we attend.
Scholarships: One student from Bloomfield, NE has applied for our scholarship. April 1st is the deadline and then potential recipients will be reviewed.
Next meeting of the Board of Directors June 17, 2024 by Zoom @ 7:00 pm.
Adjournment motion made by Travis, seconded by Dustin all in favor. Meeting adjourned at 8:32 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Karen Ostry, Secretary