Date and Time
Date: Monday, March 20, 2023
Time: 7:00 pm
Format: Teleconference
Meeting Start
Meeting called to order by Simeon Mosel.
Roll Call: Simeon Mosel, Randy Reinke, Travis Wingate, Karen Ostry, Rick Schuchardt, Genny Mosel, Administrator Kim Mosel
Approval of Minutes
Minutes for October 3, 2022, approved after a motion by Travis Wingate and seconded by Randy Reinke.
Annual Board meeting minutes also approved with corrections.
Rick Schuchardt and Kim Mosel requested that meeting minutes be sent to members. Motion approved unanimously.
Financial Report
Treasurers’ report presented by Travis Wingate.
Projected income: $10,575.00
Balance at end of February: $70,362.29
No bills presented.
Program Administrator's Report
Presented by Kim Mosel.
40 total members, 30 have paid.
New member added, one dropped.
New contacts and inspectors for the area.
Old Business
AGMM annual meeting report by Genny Mosel.
Suggestions and comments regarding the Annual Meeting discussed.
New Business
OCIA TOPPS Proposal: Discussion led by Rick Schuchardt and Brandon Hill.
Non-Profit Status: Addressed by Travis Wingate.
Annual Farm Tours: Information provided by Kim Mosel.
Business Name Change: Proposed by Rick Schuchardt.
OCIA International Advocacy Committee: Committee details and volunteer situation discussed.
Advertising and Scholarships: Consideration for future budgets and programs.
Next Meeting
August 14, 2023, at Neligh, NE library, 6:00 pm.
Meeting Adjournment
Meeting closed at 8:45 pm.
Motion to adjourn by Travis Wingate, seconded by Rick Schuchardt.
Documents Submitted
Respectfully submitted by secretary, Karen Ostry.